Qualification Requirements


Everyone who will work at Rosenberg Worley MUST be able to communicate in Norwegian/Scandinavian or English. If Rosenberg assesses that your communicative skills are not satisfactory, you may be demobilized with immediate effect.


Rosenberg Worley requires that all courses must be completed and passed, at the latest during the first rotation. Jobbkretser assists with organizing and covering the cost of some courses. However, it should be noted that hours spent on the courses are not compensated, as it is a prerequisite for getting the job. If you have passed any of the courses in the table below, please send documentation to ressurs@jobbkretser.no as soon as possible.

Who Course Completed
All Scaffold User Course (digital) Passed
All Fall Protection (physical) In the last 8 years
All Project Danger Blind (digital) In the last 2 years
Black Trades* Site Test (physical test)** Passed
Electricians DSB/Trade Certificate Passed
Electricians FSE (digital) In the last 2 months
Electricians FSE CPR (Physical) In the last 2 months
Electricians EX Basic(digital) In the last 5 years
*Black trades: industrial pipefitters, welders, and plate workers
**Site test: In some cases, you can take the site test at the shipyard. If you do not pass this, you must return home. In this case, no salary will be paid.

Work Ethic

As an employee of Jobbkretser, we expect you to be punctual, reliable, and deliver high-quality work. You are committed to familiarizing yourself with both the employer’s and the client’s guidelines and routines. It is expected that you demonstrate a supportive and inclusive attitude towards your colleagues, which means contributing to a work environment where everyone feels welcome and valued, regardless of their role and background.

Exhibiting poor attitudes, lack of work ethic, repeated mistakes, and/or breaches of guidelines may result in immediate demobilization.
