Collective Agreement
Jobbkretser avd. Industri has a collective agreement with Parat, which adheres to the workshop agreement. We can assure you that you will be compensated in accordance with the collective agreement and the principle of equal pay.
Salary Payment
The pay periods at Rosenberg run from the Monday following the last Sunday of a month, to the last Sunday of the month, with payment on the 15th of the following month.
Example: Monday 26.06.2023 – Sunday 30.07.2023 is paid out on 15.08.2023.
To enable us to process salary payments, you MUST have registered a D-number, bank account, and tax card. More information can be found here.
The pay slip is sent by email during the payout day.
Working Hours
Day shift: 06:30 – 19:30.
Night shift: 19:00 – 06:30.
Note: On day shift, you start at 12:00 on the first day and finish at 12:00 on the last day. In addition, working hours on the day shift may vary depending on the discipline you work in.
You are entitled to a 1-hour break during the workday, where 0.5 hour is paid, and 0.5 hour is unpaid and automatically deducted. The break time is allocated as follows:
- 15 minutes breakfast break
- 30 minutes lunch break
- 15 minutes coffee break